
Thursday, August 9, 2012

What Happened on Christmas Eve

So I just found this old story I wrote when I was eleven and I thought I would share it with you. I mean who doesn't enjoy reminiscing and having the opportunity to see how you viewed things when you were young. Please mind the format and such, I mean give an eleven year old a break ;)

Also note that Narnia was my favorite book series...

What Happened on Christmas Eve

Once on Christmas eve, many years ago I lay quietly on the couch.

Soon there was noises coming from outside. The noises sounded like voices but not quite. So I lay down thinking it was people talking to each other. BANG! WHOW! "Oh my goodness what was that?" I whispered scared.

I got up a little later hearing something again. Except this time it sounded like people arguing. Then I got up enough courage and went up to the door and opened it. AHH! A beam of light flashed quickly at me. I blinked. It was gone! All that was there were two animals. A horse that had wings and one ferocious lion. I was half way closing the door and then the lion talked. His voice was deep, loud, and clear. He exclaimed, "Don't go, come with us."

"Where?" I asked puzzled.

"Tooo the noorth poole oof coourse," whinnied the horse quite loudly.

"Why?" I asked, not understanding.

"You can ask questions on the way," replied the lion. I hopped on the lions furry back, holding on to the lions golden mane.

"What are your names anyway?" I asked curiously.

"My name is Aslan and his name is Strawberry," answered the lion.

"Why are we going to the North Pole?" I asked.

"Wee arre gooing tooo the Noorth Poole chuz Santa is gooing tooo give the first presents," neighed the horse.

"Why are you both here?" I questioned.

"We are here because if I get tired Strawberry will take over and we weren't allowed two, so we came to pick you up instead."

I looked up and saw people above me. I saw my friend Lauren. I yelled, "Lauren down here!" She saw me.

"Hello!" She hollered back.

"Meet you at the North Pole, bye."

"Not so loud," Aslan growled.

We where there. It wasn't very dark outside because of all the lights.

I got off Aslan and said "Thank you very much."

He said "No problem."

"Bye," I shouted.

"Bye," They both crowed back.

"Now for the first gift of Christmas," Santa explained. You there, come pick the first gifts of Christmas."

"Me?" Someone behind me asked.

"No, the person in front of you," said Santa.

"Me?" I pointed to myself.

"Yes you, come pick your first gifts of Christmas, come on I don't have all year," said Santa impatiently.

"O.K," I muttered. I went up in Santas sled thinking what I wanted. I thought real hard when I was sitting down in Santas sled. Then I asked "How many presents am I allowed?"

"Two," he explained.

"I want the two animals that picked me up please."

"O.K I will say that's one present."

"And I want powers so that I can go into books that I want, with people still thinking I'm there and only books I read to myself please."

"O.K" he smiled, "but only you can see the animals alive and to everyone else they will be glass, they will never be able to break and if they do they just go back together and if they get thrown away they will come back. I hope you like your gifts, Bye."

"Ho Ho Ho," he laughed "Merry Christmas."

I was home again. That was one of my favorite days ever!

"Wake up everybody," yelled my Mom.

"O.K o.k we're awake." There were lots of presents under the tree.

After we opened all the presents I found the two presents under the tree for me. I opened them quickly. They were two glass ornaments just like Santa explained. One ferocious lion and one horse with wings just like the ones I met outside. I loved the books that I got to see inside of :)

The End.

I hope you all enjoyed reading that as much as I did

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aren't you just adorable Max :3

Love Max.