
Monday, November 19, 2012

Long over due for a post

I hope everyone is having an awesome school year. As you most know i've been taking digital animation and i'm now 7 months in. It's amazing how quickly time goes. In just 5 more months I'll be graduated! Its almost hard to believe. I do admit the stress of school is starting to wear at me as i'm sure it does for most people.

In recent months so much has changed I suppose this is how it feels to step into adulthood. Everything seems a bit overwhelming and stressful. My anxiety has been rearing its ugly face more frequently which hasn't been easy to deal with. Of course it's due to all these new changes and unknown territory and I just have to remember that everything will work out, and to have a little faith in the universe.

So in light of that I think it's important to remember the little things in life that make you happy.

Here's a short list of mine
The sound of high heels in a hallway
The fresh air after a storm
Fresh bed sheets
The sound of rain
A clean kitchen
Finding joy in unexpected places
Star gazing on a clear night

I hope everyone remembers to stop and take a deep breath now and again, and remember what makes you smile.


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