
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Six Months?!!?

Holy moly has it really been six months?! That just goes to show how bad I am at keeping up with a journal. Alright so let's see what I've been up to for the past while...

First off I am THRILLED to say that not only did I graduate from my Digital Animation program, but that I did so with honors :D /soproud.

Secondly I am now a month into a summer animation program learning more the 2D side of things and its been really great. I can't stress enough how important life drawing is. It's drastically changed the way I look at things and my drawing style. I must remind myself to continue with it after this ends.

Aside from that I've started up a fun Etsy page selling glass magnets which you can check out here .. http://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/MaxinesMagnets

Hopefully I can get back into the groove of blogging again and post more frequent updates. But for now here's a link to some of my artwork


Sunday, January 13, 2013

A new year

A new year is upon us. We made it through the storm of the December 2012 apocalypse and through boxing day madness :) . My new year kicks off my third and final semester of school. It's quite intimidating knowing that in a mere few months ill be finished. These past months have been a blur and I've learned so much, not just in school but alot about myself. It's been a journey of self discovery and really learning some hard life lessons.

I'm hoping to continue growing and learning as much as I can. Call me crazy but I may just go back and do some more schooling. Although I don't think I've taken as many bubble baths in my life as I have in the past few months.

This year i'm hoping to get into yoga. I started tonight and boy do my muscles ache. I don't want to say it's my "new years resolution" to do yoga because we all know resolutions about staying fit don't have a high chance of lasting. Instead i'm doing yoga to help clear my busy mind and strengthen my body and soul.

As always I've been painting, and have actually finished five pieces this year! I'm hoping to pump out some really beautiful pieces that I'll be able to show. But for now i'm focused on doing it to make me happy. I love getting into that state of mind where it's just you and the canvas using the paint to portray whatever you need it to.

Well it's officially 3 am and I have to be up at 830 for class.

Until next time.