
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

I hope all of you had a very merry Christmas, I know I sure did. Its nice once the rush of Christmas shopping and such is done, and you finally get a chance to relax and enjoy the break. I spent Christmas eve laughing and swapping gifts with my girls. One of them is practically a master chef and made delicious appetizers and desserts for us. After staying up all night and chatting I finally made it to bed around 4am. only to be awoken at 8am by every member of my family taking turns calling/texting me to come over and open gifts. It was well worth it though I had a really fun day with my family and the dinner was delicious! I had a really awesome turn out for gifts too! My parents actually figured out a way to get me the one thing I wanted most, a Nook color. I'm actually using it right now to post this blog entry. You see Barnes and noble have yet to ship to Canada so it really took a lot of effort to get it. But let me tell you I'm in love, i cant wait to build my library of books!

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