
Saturday, December 3, 2011


Saturday mornings.. Everyone loves Saturdays, the day to unwind and recover. As a child you remember Saturdays as no school, and early morning cartoons. (Unfortunately Saturday morning cartoons these days are in no comparison to the 80's/90's).

So this Saturday morning I woke up at an ungodly hour (7:30 am) to get up for school. Now let me please note here that my alarm was set for 8:00am, giving me 20 mins to throw on some clothes and rush out the door, but unfortunately my cat decided that waking up a half and hour before my alarm was due to go off was a much better idea. A half hour isn't that big of a time gap unless you are like me, and enjoy as much sleep as you can possibly get. So I woke up to my odd cat, standing on my chest, licking my hand and waiting for any movement to indicate his master plan of waking me up has succeeded.

The thing is, as soon as I wake up to this odd routine, he goes into full cuddle mode, let's see just how close we can get and if you don't pet me I'm going to do everything possible to find your hands and rub my face all over them. So usually after this happens, I just fall back asleep curled up with kitty. Today, I had to instead force myself to zombie walk my way to my closet, throw on some clothes and get my books together.

So I've been in class since 9 am this morning, (I have to drive into another city to my class) studying accounting, and let me tell you, accounting at 9am, on a Saturday morning is one of the hardest things I've willed myself to do. I sit here, from my accounting class writing to you between my professor explains in full detail how exactly to use this program. /sigh 2 and a half hours left.

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